Friday, January 2, 2009


Why στρἑϕω for a blog name? If I were honest - always a good quality in a pastor - I would say such an odd title comes from a love for words, especially foreign ones that appear educated, old and mysterious. What former seminary student doesn't love to dust off his or her Greek lexicon and hold up a Koine word in a sermon like its a precious, handcrafted object to be looked at with awe? Apart from showing off, however, the word itself is helpful for me as I enter into a new job of helping our church engage our community as agents of God's kingdom. I am new on staff at Montecito Covenant Church and along with this honor I was given a shiny new title to go with it - Pastor for Gospel Action. "Gospel Action" is a bit bombastic but nicely framed by this Greek word στρἑϕω. The word means "to turn" or take notice. If someone called my name I would "στρἑϕω," as it were and then respond. But how would I respond? Well, that's where another meaning of στρἑϕω becomes important. The word also means "the changing of cursing into blessing." We often live in a culture of cursing or ignoring - where the bruises of life often bring the curses of those whom we bump or where our cursed lives are ignored with no one who turns or responds to our needs with blessings. My prayer and aim is that I will be a catalyst for στρἑϕω in our church - to help us see the needs of those around so that we may respond and change people's lives from cursing into the blessed life offered by our Lord and Savior - that's the Gospel in action!

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