Friday, January 2, 2009

Bethlehem and a Bicycle

In a recent time of prayer at my church during this Christmas season I heard myself confessing to God and other staff members that I often found myself looking for Bethlehem only to find myself at the mall - crowds, consumption, etc. Well - as only God can - I later found myself at a Bicycle shop only to discover that I was actually in Bethlehem. Okay, maybe that sounds too preachy but let me explain. Recently, I was told that one of the Tea Fire Survivors at our church had lost her bike in the fire - her transportation to her job. After talking to my pastor about it he encouraged me to contact a group within our church who love to ride bikes together - you know with the bright colored, tight fitting clothes as they whiz by in a blur - called Domestiques for Jesus. A domestique (French for "servant") is a cycling term which refers to a rider who works for the benefit of his team and leader. When I approached the Domestiques with my problem they quickly pushed me out of the way and before I knew it had pulled their funds together and bought her a beautiful, new bicycle. When I arrived at the bike shop so that the Fire Survivor could be fitted for her new bike (right, it was such a cool bike that she actually had to be "fitted" to it) I had the immense privilege of watching this person receive a gift born from the faithfulness of those who had put their trust in God. I was asked to offer a blessing but have since been struck by the scene of this so-called bicycle nativity. Each of these guys, like Mary, were humbly declaring, "Here am I, the servant (domestique) of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word." (Luke 1:38). These guys, like Mary, were servants who acted out of a desire to see the leader's (God's) goals accomplished. Giving gifts as God has given - unabashedly, extravagently, graciously - is what Christmas is about. I always thought you had to travel by plane to get to Bethlehem but apparently a bike will suffice.

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