Monday, June 6, 2011

After Worship Ministry Team

At MCC we desire to offer an altar ministry, regularly following each Sunday morning worship service, that welcomes and receives those who desire prayer for healing, encouragement, and salvation. Our goal is to express the compassion of the triune God, modeled by Jesus, to help people become whole, healthy, integral parts of the church community. We recognize that Jesus’ own ministry involved inaugurating the Kingdom of God by listening to those in need, praying for those in pain, and inviting those who were marginal and alienated into table-fellowship with himself (Matt. 4:23; Mark 9:21; Luke 9:48, 15:1-2; John 4:1-42). Moreover, he frequently commanded that his disciples engage in those same kingdom practices (Matt. 10:1, 7-8, 28:18-20; Mark 6:7, 12-13; Luke 9:1-2).

The purpose of this ministry is not simply to address medical or emotional problems alone but to express God’s solidarity with us through active listening, empathy, and prayer. We seek to aid people on their journey of finding restoration and reconciliation (physically, emotionally, and spiritually) with God, others, and themselves. This ministry of God-with-us (Emmanuel) and his willingness to share in our sufferings is demonstrated by knowing people by name, listening to their stories and sharing our own, and letting them know through words and gestures, that we do not see them as problems to solve but people to love (John 13:34). Patch Adams, the doctor who made great strides in offering generous medical care for those who were impoverished or terminally ill, stated it this way, “You treat a disease, you win, you loose. You treat a person, I guarantee you, you'll win, no matter what the outcome.” We believe that personally expressing familial love and forgiveness in the name of Jesus and a willingness to embrace pain and suffering through prayer and friendship are central to Jesus’ model of ministry and a proper Christian theology of redemption.

This ministry is also aimed at furthering MCC’s vision of “making disciples” in a number of ways. First, this ministry seeks to mentor people by teaching them to follow Jesus’ model of ministry (Matt. 4:23, 9:35; Luke 4:40-43). Second, it offers an opportunity for those who are called to After-Worship ministry to use their God-given gifts and talents so that they might grow and find their meaningful place of service in the church (Eph. 4:12). Third, this ministry allows for the sharing of pastoral responsibility within the wider church community, affirming the important reality that we all have a significant part to play “for the common good” (1 Cor. 12:4-7).

Ministry Description:

Those who would wish to join the After Worship Ministry team will be willing to be:

Dr. James Bradley, a church historian at Fuller Theological Seminary, wrote, “Physicians of the soul treat deeper wounds than physicians of the body and those who wish to be soul physicians without rigorous study are at least as dangerous as quack physicians.” Due to the serious and sensitive nature of caring for potentially wounded and vulnerable people, theological and pastoral training are necessary for anyone who would wish to participate in this ministry venue.

Topics to be discussed:
The Kingdom of God in the OT and NT
Theology of personhood and the image of God
Theology of healing and suffering
Models for prayer
How to interview and listen to others
How to share the Gospel message


Because people who come forward are normally struggling with a variety of anxieties and apprehensions, sensitivity, compassion, patience, and good listening skills are essential.

This ministry requires consistent church attendance and active praying participation within the church.

1 comment:

Kalon and Karen said...

Thanks for sharing Jon. With deep awareness of my own inadequacy, I'd like to join you. Kalon